Saturday, May 17, 2014

The Proper Woman

A proper woman.

We've all heard the term and most women have tried to become one. But what does it mean to be a proper woman. As far as I can tell, the Bible doesn't tell women to be proper; it tells women to be godly. But aren't these the same thing? Not exactly.

You see, what the world sees as proper and the Bible considers godly are two widely different things. Being proper has to do with being appropriate, suitable, of the required type, but godliness has to do with being God-like, and God isn't always appropriate, suitable, or of the required type. God is often inappropriate, such as when he was born out of wedlock in a small inn, and unsuitable, such as when he doesn't suit our rigid rules, and not of the required type, for there isn't a box big enough that you can cram God into.

So, if God isn't appropriate, suitable, or of the required type, why do we spend so much time ensuring all women are? Why make sure all women are are at all times appropriate, suitable, and of the required type, if women should imitate God? How is that even possible?

Be imitators of God, therefore, as dearly loved children and live a life of love, just as Christ loved us and gave himself up for us as a fragrant offering and sacrifice to God (Ephesians 5:1-2, NIV).

If we should imitate God, can we be appropriate, suitable, and of the required type?

We hang clean golden crosses around our necks. But was it appropriate for God to die on a dirty, wooden cross?

We expect everyone to follow the rules we've created. But was it suitable for Jesus to eat and talk with prostitutes?

We require everyone to fit into narrow stereotypes. But how do you fit the Creator into anything that he has created?

How can an image be anything other than a reflection of what it images? If a broken mirror cannot accurately reflect reality, neither can we put the image of God in a container that neither moves or speaks.

Being a woman has nothing to do with rules and restrictions, for God isn't out to restrict his creation; sin restricts. God is actively working to redeem his creation from the consequences of sin and redemption is always about freedom from slavery, never about becoming enslaved. Now, the question is, if God desires us to be free, why do we make women slaves of propriety?

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